Minggu, 09 Juni 2013


Eva Sulistya Rini
Faculty of Education English
Education Department State Islamic Colledge of Ponorogo
The aim of this study  was to investigate the relationship between behavior and mathematical intelligence of the elementary school. Mindset that children ages ranging between 7-8 years or at the basic level are particularly vulnerable to the loss of concentration in the study, the concentration of children's learning at this level is no more than 2 minutes. While mathematics requires full concentration in understanding.. When the loss of concentration that children begin to act aggressively and trying to act that arguably little bit naughty. Behaviors that are considered part of "delinquency" is apparently not the only or main cause the child's difficult to learn math. To support this, the need to understand the characteristics of the students and teachers about the learning process, especially in the lower grade.
Key word : Behavior, teacher’s role, mathematical intelligence
For each of the students, learning is something that is very saturated and boring. A demand imposed on them for us adults is a trivial thing. Often encountered in real life, many children who have difficulty in learning coupled with the demands of parents who want their children without their smart instantly know the actual psychology of the child. Significant changes in behavior caused not 100% of the fault of the child, the role of parents and the surrounding environment is forming the child's character is more evident. While we know that, learning is an activity that is consciously and intentionally, and the full responsibility of adults to children is done so that the resulting interaction of the two so that the child reaches adulthood he aspired and on going.
Hilgard and Bower, in book Theories of Learning (1975) suggests that “Learning-related changes in a person's behavior toward something specific situations caused by repeated experiences in that situation, where changes in behavior that can not be explained or basic innate response tendencies, maturation, or the circumstances of one's momentary (e.g. fatigue, influence medicine, and so on)”
Morgan, in book Introduction to Psychology (1978) suggests that “Learning is any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of training or experience.”[1]

Of the two definitions that represent some of the definitions above, it can be argued that some important elements which characterize the notion of learning itself are "learning is a change in behavior related to personality and psychological through the experience relatively".
            Learning is a process that led to the occurrence of a change or renewal in behavior or skill. What changes and what kind of behavior that can affect a child's learning. And learning influenced by several factors and these factors are divided into two groups:
a.       Factors that exist in a person or what we call individual factors. (e.g. maturity, intelligence, training, motivation and personal factors)
b.      Factors that are outside of one's self or what we call the social factor. (e.g. family, teachers and the way of teaching, the tools are used in teaching and social motivation)[2].
Studied except maturity, intelligence also helped play a role. Child who have a lifespan of which same, level his class also alike will but not yet necessarily the level of his understanding else are also equally. So Howard Gardner sorts out the type of basic human intelligence (Linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal).[3] Logical-mathematical intelligence, involves the ability to appreciate and utilize numerical, abstract, and logical   reasoning to solve problem.
. The purpose of this paper is to identify the behavior of low-age children or elementary school, to identify the learning process especially low intelligence or mathematics children of primary school age, and the latter to clarify the relationship between the behavior of the mathematical intelligence of children of primary school age. And in my writing, I will discuss the relationship between the behaviors of students with mathematical intelligence. Before we examine more deeply about the relationship of the behavior and intelligence of a child's math, how much better we get to know more about what is meant by the behavior and what is meant by mathematical intelligence globally.

International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IAEA) published its findings on Indonesian primary school (SD) students learning achievement in reading ability where the rank of Indonesia is number 26 of 27 countries. Math’s ability of Indonesian junior high school (SMP) students is number 34 of 38 countries. Awhile, learning achievement of SMP students on natural sciences is number 32 of 38 countries. Thence, we can say the aim of our national education as stated in the Education Law no. 20 year 2003 is still not real. The Education process in schools mostly is carried out by forwarding information and informing the texts of books only (T. Raka Joni, 2005: 2).[4]
Lack of focus on the development of moral law or the establishment of the child's personality from an early age to make the word "late" it becomes possible to be disclosed. child's behavior was highly influential to the success in achieving the learning process. Thus, if we look at the culture in Indonesia, such as corruptions, cheating, no discipline, fraud, bribery. This is a poor moral cultivation, which has been there when we were in kindergarten or kindergarten through graduate school. How can we improve as a moral nation that became our teacher is morally bad, too. We do not have to think about the human resources that are less good, but think about how to change the mindset that our human resources in order to develop maximum.
Maybe we minded, why think about the child's behavior and what to do with the child's behavior mindset, perception, and their intelligence, whereas in western countries there even many that are considered morally worse, like sex everywhere, lack of care with others, and fortifications religion is less strong, but has intelligence above average we are located in the eastern countries like Indonesia in particular, which has pretty much comparison when seen with the naked eye. Culture so that they gradually started to go well for our country. Be added concern that parents will gadget that this phenomenon is a disease of young children to old people, and we can not prevent and deny it all. Gadget and policy in its use is still a discourse, we need the stuff to support our knowledge in any field, but it also can make the goods destroyed everything what should we do. Goods that bias became very close friends and we think the benefits will be a bias but also very cruel enemy, because it can kill our careers. As adults we sometimes just can not be wise especially children.

Piaget (1950) states that every child has its own way of interpreting and adapting to its environment (the theory of cognitive development). According to him, every child has the cognitive structures called schemata, the system concept you have in mind as a result of an understanding of the existing objects in the environment. Behavior is something that a person does that can be observed, measured, and repeated. When we clearly define behavior, we specifically describe actions. We do not refer to personal  motivation, internal processes, or feelings. Based on these descriptions, the children's learning behavior is influenced by aspects of the in-itself and its environment.[5] Both of these may not be separated because the process of learning occurs in the context of the interaction of the child with the environment and influenced the behavior of a child learning patterns are applied by the surrounding environment.
There is a behavioral theory that has a recommendation on a child's learning difficulty is that teachers should be more focus on academic skills needed by the child rather than to focus on shortcomings that hinder the child to learn. There are a variety of characters on the students who are very difficult to guess. Psychological disorder in children is including factors in the child of a very influenced by the surrounding environment, thus forming a diverse personality. As for the kinds of behavioral disorders that can affect student performance is very difficult to determine a pattern. Who would like to be discussed in this paper is the problems to the aggressiveness of behavior affecting a child's mathematical intelligence. There are children who fail in subjects like math that shows an inability to finish but so easy to complete courses that are given as IPA, PKN, IPS and others. Outline learning difficulties associated with developmental disorders include motor and perception, learning and communication difficulties, and learning difficulties in adjusting social behavior.
Conduct disorder usually appears on almost all age stages with distinctive characteristics of each, from the level of the most mild to severe. Especially in children of primary school age, behavioral disorders are the most common learning disorders, concentration problems and hyperactivity, emotional disorders, as well as delinquency or violation of the rules. Indicators of behavioral disorders such as: developmental disabilities, developmental setbacks, the frequency and intensity of behaviors that are too high or low, behavior changes suddenly, behavior that does not fit the situation, severe behavior disorders, behavior that is qualitatively different from normal conditions (Wicks-Nelson & Israel, 2006).[6]
Because of the difficulty of classifying pupils which is difficult or easy to accept, especially math lesson that is often dreaded by children age levels low to high age children age levels as King of subjects.
Mathematics organized from elements that are not defined, the definitions, axioms, and postulates where the arguments after unsubstantiated generally applicable, because that mathematics is often called deductive science (Russefendi, 1988: 23)[7].

Johnson dan Rising dalam Russefendi (1972)
        Math is a pattern of thinking, organizing pattern, proving that a logical, mathematics is a language that uses terms defined carefully, with a clear and accurate representation of symbols and dense, more of a symbolic language about ideas than about sound. Mathematics is an organized knowledge structure, the properties of the theories deductively made ​​based on the elements that are not defined, axioms, or properties that have unsubstantiated theory is the study of the regularity of the pattern or idea, and that mathematics is an art, there is a beauty on chronological and harmony. Mathematics is the science of logic, the shape, structure, size, and concepts related to each other. Mathematics is divided into three major parts of algebra, analysis and geometry. But there is the notion that mathematics is divided into four sections, namely arithmetic, algebraic, geometric and arithmetic analysis include number theory and statistics (James and James: 1976).[8] It can be concluded that mathematics is a structured knowledge deductively and mathematical concepts obtained because the process of thinking, because it is the basis of the formation of mathematical logic.
Mathematics taught in elementary school include three branches, namely arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. By S. Dali Naga (1980:1), arithmetic or numeracy is a branch of mathematics concerning the nature of the relationships real numbers with them especially with regard to the calculation of the sum, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Briefly arithmetic is arithmetic or knowledge of numbers..[9]
                Usefulness of mathematics: Mathematics as other sciences, such as in biology, physics and others. Mathematics can be used in everyday life, for example in trade, measurement, prediction / estimation, statistics, and so on.[10] often the kids still do not understand about the importance of learning math for the next life for them, might be able to make one of the reasons they do not want to learn the lessons of science is considered as another waiter was less captured the hearts of our students to love learning. awareness or motivation to the development of science teachers instilled a lesson not only in mathematics but also the knowledge that others are still considered to be less. especially coupled with the diverse characteristics of our students today. development of children in today's increasingly astounding, quite different in comparison with the past, that every child has a moral and regulatory compliance are slightly higher than the days now.

            Of some facts which we examined together of phenomena that are all around us and is connected with the definitions of some of the theories and opinions of experts in the field are still many gaps occurred. And we need to straighten the joint. Of why children learn math difficulties and poor behavior can affect their understanding of mathematics itself?

            Cognitive psychology is closely related to the learning process, the process of thinking and curiosity of a child. Psychological process is the ability of perception, language, memory, attention, concept formation, problem solving, and so forth (Lerner, 1988:177). Children who have learning disabilities definite psychological processes that may be required in school. In receipt of information every child has a different reasoning and the difference it affects a child's learning process. There are several categorical of learning styles are: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. So we need to know the appropriate behavior for children who will have learning styles as specified earlier.  Behavioral psychology to try to contribute to dealing with children who are in the learning disabilities and behavioral analysis to understand the stages of learning. Strategy resulting in a combined analysis of behavioral and learning stages premises will facilitate teachers provide appropriate instruction for their students. Lack of proper strategies in teaching evaluations can be used to discover new strategies that can support children in learning comprehension. Teachers are required to be creative and professional in this regard.    
            According to Lerner (1981:357) there are some characteristics of the child's mathematical learning disabilities, namely:
1)      The existence of disturbances in spatial relations.
The concept of spatial relations such as top-down, far-close, high-low, front-and rear-end early. This elementary school children should have mastered this concept, but for children with learning difficulties, it becomes very issue, because it is related to the concept and social communication. They are generally difficult to understand the relationship of space, because the brain dysfunction and social environment that can not support their understanding of the concept of the space relationship
2)      Abnormalities of visual perception
Children math learning disabilities often have trouble seeing objects in relation to the group and set. Children often are not able to distinguish geometric forms
3)      Visual-motor associations.
Children are not biased counting objects in the form of a sequential number is citing. Child like this can give the impression that they just memorize numbers without understanding its meaning.

4)      Perseveres
Children whose attention is attached to an object only in a relatively long time.
5)      Difficulty to know and understand the symbols
6)      Children often have difficulty in recognizing and using mathematical symbols such as +, -, =,>, <, and so on.
7)      Body appreciation disorders
Children often show their appreciation of body disorders. Child is often wrong in putting that should be put in place.
8)      Difficulties in language and reading
Children in this often trouble solving math problems in terms of word problems.
9)      Performance IQ is lower than score verbal IQ
Children had IQ scores (Perform Intelligence Quotient) is much lower than the Silverback VIQ (Verbal Intelligence Quotient)[11]
            Of which were dictated by Lerner above we can conclude that the children who have aggressive behavior which is in the category of a relationship disorder, why be like that because these concepts provide opportunities formation of other disorders. In a child's learning problems associated with the above characteristics may have one child or maybe all of them owned. This is related to the child's learning strategy that has been discussed earlier also, when children with active learning, which means that the strategy used is the kinesthetic learning strategies.

            So everything is tailored to need. We as teachers must understand very well characteristic our students if need be one by one, but it was considered unlikely existence, because at school we not only teach 1 or 2 children but some children in the class have a wide range of individuals who different Similarly one another.
Immediately, we refer to the principles in teaching:
1)      Preparing children for learning mathematics
2)      Ranging from the concrete to the abstract
3)      Providing opportunities for children to practice and repeat
4)      Generalization into a new situation
5)      Departing from the strengths and weaknesses of students
6)      The need to build a strong foundation of math concepts and skills
7)      Provision of a balanced math program
8)      The use of calculators.[12]
Do not force a child with learning disabilities using the concept of learning or learning strategies are not appropriate for them. Because children like it needs a little extra attention. Because actually it does not mean the child can not master but our strategy and analysis of the lack of proper teachers for them.


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[1] (Drs.M.Ngalim Purwanto 1992)
[2] Ibid, 102
[3] (Uygulama 2009)
[4] (Musnandar 2012)
[5] (Kawuryan 2007)
[6] (Partini 2006)
[7] (Reseffendi 1988)
[8] (Andi Hakim 1980)
[9] (Abdurrahman 2003)
[10] Ibid,12
[11] (Abdurrahman 2003)
[12] (Abdurrahman 2003)

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