Selasa, 26 Maret 2013


A.    Background of The Study
English is one of the international languages. It is a means of communication between individuals. It also brings them into relationship with their environment. Language is, therefore, socially learned behavior a skill that is acquired as we grow up in society. All languages are equally complex. Each language is part of the culture that produces it and is adequate for the needs of the people who use it. Any language therefore is as good as any other in that is serves the purposes of particular culture. Words may be created or borrowed as the need arises.[1]
Learning English as the foreign language is more difficult than learning a national language or a mother tongue. Because of English has completely different aspects and system which should be understood by students or learners such as, vocabulary mastery, pronunciation, cultural background of language, etc. English is a world language, with more than 60 countries where English is now the dominant or official language.[2]
People use language to do almost everything in their lives, such as informing, questioning, and warning someone. The children who are born have potential to learn any language. However, there is always the potential for slight variation in the pronunciation in the production of sound. Or, if we look at the vocabulary choice of individuals, we know that sometimes we consciously or subconsciously take a liking to a particular word and use it with particular frequency and in a specific way.[3]
As one aspect of speaking, vocabulary more crucial to mastery, because without mastery vocabulary impossible to speak clearly. A lesson to develop speaking skills which begins with the words, rarely, if ever should we expect our students to engage with a text  which focuses on a topic or vocabulary area with which they have no knowledge or experience.[4]  The standard of vocabulary that must mastery by the students of junior high school is 1,000 words. Budiharso states”… the SLTP graduate is supposed to have a total of 1,000 vocabulary items.”[5] That vocabulary is back down based on the grade of students. For the eight grades must mastery 262 words.[6]
The correlation between English vocabulary mastery and speaking ability is the vocabulary of a person is defined as the set of all word that is understood by the person. It also may be defined as the set of all words used by that person when constructing new sentences. The most common cause is intelligence or level of education. Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write.[7] The Understanding of words may be achieved through speaking ability.
To conduct a speaking activity, the speaker needs to know many words and their meanings to speak. The speaker also must be careful to choose the suitable words if the students want to speak clearly. The simple assumption is if the speaker just mastery little words of vocabularies, the speaker will face the obstacle to choose words and explore the speaker ideas towards speaker mean.
Thus can be said that there is a necessary connection between English vocabulary mastery and students’ speaking ability. The speaking ability can be developed through vocabulary mastery. On the contrary, the mastery of vocabulary can help the speaker to explore the ideas toward speaker mean.
Based on the background above, it is necessary for the writer to write the correlation between the English vocabulary mastery with speaking ability. It relates to the subject of study; the eight grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013. This study is entitled “The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery with Speaking Ability of the Eighth Grade Students Of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in Academic Year 2012/2013”.

B.     Identification of the Problem
In the process of learning English there are four skills must be mastery from the students, there are listening, reading, writing and speaking. For the achievement the students need collect much vocabulary first minimum 1000 words to speak well. Teaching vocabulary still ignore in SMPN 2 Ponorogo, the school emphasize of the grammar without observe vocabulary mastery and the bad method of teaching vocabulary of the students.
Based on the reason above, it shows result learning that;
1)      Students do not have many vocabulary.
2)      Students are not confident and to speak English.
3)       Students  are still confuse to speak english well.
4)      Students got difficult to remembering vocabulary.
5)      Students got difficult about vocabulary comprehension to make sentences in speaking process.
Finaly, they still difficult for relized to speaking english well.

C.    Limitation of the Problem
Based on the identification of the problem above, it can be taken the limitation of the problem bellow:
1.    This research will be focused on knowing whether the vocabulary mastery can improve students’ speaking ability or not.
2.    This research will be using standard competence as follow: Speaking revealing the meaning of transactional and interpersonal conversation simplistic to interact with the closest environment”.
3.      Base competence that will be used in this research is: “Doing interaction with the closest environment that involve talking: greeting someone who don’t know, introduce their selves or their friend, give command and prohibition”.
4.      In this research especially for indicator, the researcher hopes that the students are able to:
Using expression to greet someone who don’t know or have known, Using expression to introduce their selves and their friend, Using expression to give command and prohibition”.
The writer limits the research on vocabulary mastery in teaching speaking; especially to know the students’ speaking skill. In this research, the researcher uses remembering vocabulary techniques as a solution of the students’ problems. This technique tend to focus not only in the results of students vocabulary mastery , but also in the teaching and learning process such as, getting ideas, getting and share opinion, and sharing with the classmates with speak English well.

D.    Statement of the Problem
1.      Are students of the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo having good vocabulary mastery?
2.      Are students in good vocabulary mastery show the better performance in speaking?
3.      Is there any correlation between mastery vocabularies with speaking ability of the eight grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013?

E.     Objectives of the Study
1.      To know vocabulary mastery vocabulary at the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013.
2.      To clarify speaking ability at the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013.
3.      To identify the correlation between vocabulary mastery with speaking ability of eighth grade student of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013

F.     Significance of the Study
This study is expected useful for practically. Practical significance
  1. Teacher
This study is expected to give teachers a contribution in their teaching skill in vocabulary mastery, particularly the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo.
b.      Students
This study is expected to give students an awareness of increasing their speaking ability.
  1. Researcher
With this result of the research, the researcher gets knowledge and could be references to the research future.

G.    Organization of Thesis
The writer organizes this research report in order to make the reader easier to understand. The following shows the content covered in this research.
Chapter I is introduction. This chapter explains about general background of the study, problem statements, objective of study, significance of the study, organizing of thesis.
Chapter II presents review of related literature. It covers the definition of vocabulary, definition of speaking ability, previews study, theoretical analysis consist of vocabulary and speaking ability framework, and hypothesis.
Chapter III discusses the research methodology. It covers about research design, population and sample, instrument of data collection, technique of data collection, and technique of data analysis.
Chapter IV discusses about the research location, data description, data analysis, and discussion.
Chapter V discusses the final chapter is chapter V that draws some conclusion and suggestions.

H.    Definition of Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary is one of the elements of developing skills, so people who want to master those languages skills; they have to master the vocabulary of English first. According to Anthony if the mastery of words or vocabulary much, they can help students in increasing their speaking, listening, writing, and reading ability.[8] So, the mastery of vocabulary must be developed by all learners if they want to mastery all skills.
They are many definitions taken from some experts about vocabulary. According to Webster’s Ninth Collegiate Dictionary, Vocabulary is:
a.       Kasihani K.E. Suyanto, vocabulary is a group of words of a language that convey meaning when the language is used.[9]
b.      Penny Ur, vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in the foreign language.[10]
c.       Alexander, in fluency in English, pointed the definition of vocabulary is the ability to deduce the meaning of words and phrases from a context and to explain them by other words and phrases.[11]
From the definition above, that vocabulary is a component of language and numbers of words by a person class, profession, etc. In the communication to understand what the speaker mean and every aspects of life such as in trade, education, social, etc. in other skills vocabulary mastery very useful to develop many skills.

I.       Teaching Vocabulary
Students use vocabulary which is arranged into sentences to express their opinion, thinking and also idea in their society. They use it in social communication. Teaching vocabulary can be referred as a learning a words, because the definition of vocabulary is all of the words that have a meaning, known and used by particular person to convey ideas and senses or feeling in s particular language or other definition is total number of words in language. Learning vocabulary start from the student’s child until now, teaching vocabulary is clearly more than just presenting new words. It also includes a decision that words should teach the basic of how frequent they are used by speaker of the language. The words are most commonly used are those a teacher should teach first.
The standard Vocabulary of SMP/SLTP
According to Depdikbud in Budiharsono, the scope of teaching program for SLTP as shown in the list of themes summarized bellow:[12]
d.      The first year: 527 words
1.)    Individual background (97 words)
2.)    Family members and environment (95 words)
3.)    Jobs (54 words)
4.)    School activities (84 words)
5.)    Daily activities and daily needs (68 words)
6.)    Shopping (34 words)
7.)    Hobby (45 words)
8.)    Games (50 words)
e.       The second year: 262 words
1.)    Sport (31 words)
2.)    Healthy (32 words)
3.)    Clothes (25 words)
4.)    Daily lives in villages or cities (33 words)
5.)    Entertainment (28 words)
6.)    Animals 32 words)
7.)    Trip (24 words)
8.)    Public service (25 words)
9.)    Indonesian geography (32 words)
f.       The third year: 267 words
1.)    Home industry (37 word)
2.)    Transportation (33 words)
3.)    Mass media ( 33 words)
4.)    Traveling to journey (32 words)
5.)    Culture (31 words)
6.)    Sport competition among countries (30 words)
7.)    Flora and fauna (41 words)
8.)    World geography (30 words)
From the explanation above, it can be said that the vocabulary mastery of eighth grade students of SMP is 262 words.
There are many way to increase the vocabulary mastery such as:
1.   Look and listen for new words.
2.   Write down your new words.
3.   Find the meaning of new words.
4.   Make the new words your own.
5.   Enter several new words in your vocabulary notebook each day.
So the teaching vocabulary is the way to learn and increase some vocabulary since the student’s child until now using many techniques that they feel comfort and more have fun to learn it.

J.      Definition of Speaking
Speaking is one of the four sub skills is communicative as one way to can communicate with other people. Speaking is ability to express an articulation sound and word, to expresses and gives an idea and opinion. Speaking can be called as a symbol that can be listened (audible), visible exploits some muscles to reaches a goal of opinion combined. Speaking is a human’s behavior that exploits a factors of physical, psychology, neurology, semantic and linguistic extensive, it until can be regarded human’s instrument is important for social control. Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information.[13]
In practicing English Language Teaching: Speaking book, bailey stated that:
“Speaking is “an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing”. Speaking consist of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. It is spontaneous, open ended and evolving”.[14]

K.    Teaching Speaking
In this section, we look briefly at some approaches that have been used over the years to teach languages. Although there are many different method of language teaching, many methods have dominated language teaching in the past sixty years. In the section, we will first briefly review each method, focusing specifically on how speaking in taught.
Many language learners regard speaking ability as the measure of knowing a language. These learners define fluency as the ability to converse with others, much more than the ability to read, write, or comprehend oral language. They regard speaking as the most important skill they can acquire and they assess their progress in term of their accomplishments in spoken communication.[15]

Speaking activities
There are some activities to promote speaking on teaching speaking. They are as follow:
1.)    Discussion
Discussion activities will involve the students in talking about a range of topics which engage their interest, opinions, histories, and experiences.
2.)    Role play
A number of advantage have been claimed for role play as a fluency activity if it is performed in pairs or groups rather than one group acting in front of the class. It encourages participation from a large number of students. If it is based on real-situation, both transaction and interpersonal, it is useful rehearsal for these.
3.)    Problem Solving
Problem solving activities have all of the characteristics given for discussion activities. Learners work together to come up with solution to the problem
4.)    Information Gap
The information gap activity in particular has been studied. This involves each learner in a pair or group possessing information which the other learners do not have. The learners’ information must be shared in order to achieve an outcome.
5.)    Mingle Activities
A mingle activity involves learners milling around and gathering information from other students in the class on a given topic. Mingle activities have the benefit of maximizing student participation for learners at all levels.
6.)    Picture story
Picture stories can be used with all students, particularly those with limited literacy skills. Learners can interpret a story based on a picture sequences. Students work collaboratively to put the story in the correct order. Once they have do so, they stand in a circle and tell the story.
7.)    Groupings
Finding connections among other students is a concept of groupings. In creating groups, teacher and learners need to negotiate what they will discuss. For example; Ask students to create job groups based on different criteria for the picture they are holding.[16]
So, another consideration is to find a balance between practice activities which are monologue and those which involve two speakers or more. Some learners may heve a need to practice monologue in genres that relate to their lives, for example, making a presentation, justifying a decision, giving a verbal evaluation of something, or presenting a report.

L.      Previous Study
The writer takes a research that has Sariatun under the title “The study correlation between English vocabulary mastery and student’ speaking ability of the eight grade student of SMPIT Rahmatan lil’alamin seloaji babadan ponorogo in academic year 2009/2010”
The problems of statement are: first, are students of the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo having good vocabulary mastery? And second are students in good vocabulary mastery show the better performance in speaking? And the last, Is there any correlation between mastery vocabularies with speaking ability of the eight grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013?
Finally, she has conclusions’ are follow: first, the correlation between mastery vocabularies with speaking ability of the eight grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo  in academic year 2012/2013 is using method of teaching and learning process. There are the teacher divides the students to be some groups and learners can interpret a story based on a picture sequences. Students work collaboratively to put the story in the correct order. Once they have done so, they stand in a circle and tell the story. The students are expected to develop vocabulary by way of storytelling.

M.   Theoretical Framework
There is a necessary connection between English vocabulary mastery and students’ speaking ability. The speaking ability can be developed. On the contrary the mastery of vocabulary can help the students’ to explore the ideas towards utterance. Telling story is a learning strategy that helps approach researches its goal. It can develop speaking ability as communicative competence among students.
So, that can be categorized into variables that can simplify the calculation is as follows:
X = English vocabulary mastery
Y = Speaking ability
From the two variables above, can be pointed the theoretical framework as follows:
a.       If the students have little of English vocabulary, the speaking ability is low.
b.      If the students have much of English vocabulary, the speaking ability is high.

N.    Hypothesis
Hypothesis in this research can be stated based on the theoretical analysis and theoretical framework. The hypothesis as follow:
Ha: There is any correlation between English vocabulary mastery and speaking ability of eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013
Ho: There is no correlation between English vocabulary mastery and speaking ability of eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013.


This research applies a quantitative research. Quantitative research is the research based on positivism philosophy, used for researching a population or sample, collecting data of sample uses random and applies research instrument, and analyzing data used statistical analysis with the purpose to prove a hypothesis.[17]
Research is the process to get the solution of problem after doing the study and analysis of various factors. Research is a scientific method for gaining the knowledge by using an investigation for finding out empirical fact which verifies the hypothesis. Research is careful study or investigation especially in order to discover new facts or information’s.
The research design that is used by the writer is adjusted with the purpose of the study that is to know the correlation between vocabulary mastery with speaking ability of the eighth students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo. The writer used Correlation method. Correlations are used for example to determine the relationship between two or more interval symptoms.[18]

O.    Population and sample
1.      Population
Population is the people who live in area “Population is the group of interest to researcher, the group to whom the researcher would like to generalize of the result of the study.”[19]  From the statement it can be said that the population is all the subject in which researcher can gain the data.
The populations in this research are all the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013. The totally numbest of its population are 64 students.
2.      Sample
Hornby (2000:1040) states that sample is a number people chosen randomly from a larger group. Furthermore, sample refers to any group on which information obtained (Fraenkel and Wallen, 1990:67). The sample is smaller than the total population.
The numbers of sample in this research are 64 students. They are two classes of the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year2012/2013. They are consisting of 65% girls and 35% boys.

P.     Instrument of Collecting Data
Instrument of the data collection consist of two sections. They are objective test and subjective test, objective test from multiple choice that no measure the vocabulary mastery and speaking ability. Subjective test is designed to measure the speaking ability only. Student asked performance to speak in front of the class. The design describe as follows:
Table 3.1
Title of research
No. Item of instrument
The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery with Speaking Ability of the Eighth Grade Students Of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in Academic Year 2012/2013”.

- Independent Variable:
Vocabulary mastery

-Dependent Variable:
Students’ speaking ability
-          The form
-          The meaning
-          The used

-          Accuracy
-          Fluency


Instrument is needed in order to get the data in research. There are five ways to collect data in research. Those are test questioner, interview, observation, test, and document in the study. In this research the writer uses test and documentation in collecting data.
1.      Test
There are two kind of test, those are:
a.       Made teacher test; test made by teacher with the certain procedure. But it has been tried out so that it is not known the strength and characteristic.
b.      Standardized test; test that has been tried out and revised much time so that it has good validity and reliability.
This research used the standardized test for the test of vocabulary. It was taken from the standard Vocabulary of SMP/SLTP test according to Depdikbud in Budiharsono. The test used to measure vocabulary mastery consisted of 262 words which are discussed about the speaking ability. It is done in 30 minutes.
2.      Questionnaire
It used 10 questions to know the opinion of the respondents.

Q.    Technique of Collection Data
This research applies several techniques in collecting data. There are:
1.      Test
This study aim to know the ability of speaking and vocabulary mastery and we can call it achievement of them. Therefore, this research chooses an achievement in learning something.
 Test in a person of questions or task used to measure skills, knowledge, and competency owned by someone.
2.      Documentation
Documentation provides the researcher with information that is used to support the available data. “Documentation is metode pengumpulan data melalui peninggalan tertulis seperti arsip, buku tentang pendapat, teori, dalil atau hukum-hukum dan lain-lain yang berhubungan dengan masalah penelitian”. In order words, it can be stated that documentation is used to collect data through printed materials.

R.    Technique of Analyzing Data
After collecting the data of test, then the writer measure the score in test by using statically analyzing to find out whether the correlation between vocabulary mastery with speaking ability. This research had three steps in analyzing data. That is:
1.      Determine the range of the respondent’s vocabulary mastery; it used the formula of Mean and the formula of range. There are[20]:
a.       The Mean formula
M χ = M +  i
b.      The standard Deviation formula
SD = i
c.       The Range formula
The formula of ranges or the levels are:
·         High level formula        : M + 1 SD
·         Enough level                 : it is the mean score
·         the Low level formula : M + 1 SD
2.      Determine the range of the respondent’s Speaking  ability
The formula used was same with the vocabulary mastery formula.
3.      Determine the correlation between vocabulary mastery and speaking ability.
The researcher applies product moment correlation. The formula is:[21]
rᵪᵧ =
The steps of data analysis applied in this research are:
1.      Determining Σх , Σᵧ , Σху , Σх² , Σу².
2.      Computing by applying the formula of Product Moment Correlation.
3.      Determining the significant standard 5% and 1%.
4.      Determining the correlation criteria by applying the indexes of correlation, as suggested by Arikunto [22] are as follows:

Table: indexes of Correlation
0.800 – 1.000
0.600 – 0.800
0.400 – 0.600
0.200 – 0.400
High Correlation
Sufficient Correlation
Fair correlation
Low correlation
Very low correlation

5.      Making conclusion by comparing the second, third, and fourth.

S.      Conclusion
Conclusion is analyzing the data constantly during or after the data being collected to get the conclusion of research. The conclusion is the answer of the research problems that have been formulated.[23]

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 Fennell, Barbara, 2001. A History of English (A Sociolinguistic Approach), Australia: Blackwell Publishing.
Lucantoni, Peter, 2002. English as a Second Language, New York: Cambridge University Press.
Budiharsono, Teguh, 2004. Prinsip dan Strategi Pengajaran Bahasa, Surabaya: Lutfansah Mediatama.
Sariatun , 2010, the correlation between English vocabulary mastery and student’ writing ability of the eight grade student of SMPIT Rahmatan lil’alamin seloaji babadan ponorogo in academic year 2009/2010)
Merriem, 1978. Webster Ninth Collegiate Dictionary, New York: MerriemWebster.sinc.
Alexande, L. 1975.  Fluency in English. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
Baiely, Kathleen, 2005. Practical English Language Teaching Speaking, New York :Mc Graw Hill.
Hayriye, Kayi, Teaching Speaking: activities to promotes speaking in a second language(online),(,2006), accessed on 30th of oktober 2012
Sugiyono, 2008. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, R & D, Bandung: Alfabeta.
Arikunto, Suharsimi, 1992. Procedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan dan Praktik, Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.
Rianto, Yatim, 1996. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan Suatu Tinjauan Dasar, Surabaya: SIC Surabaya.
Widyaningrum Retno, 2007. Statistik Pendidikan Variabel Bivariat, Ponorogo: State Islamic Collage Of Ponorogo Press.
Kubabdar, 2009. Langah Mudah PTK Sebagai Pengembangan ,,Jakarta : Rajawali Press.


Choose the correct answer:
1.      …… spreads its four legs out wide……
a.       Executes                                         c. Extends
b.      Exceeds                                          d. Examines
2.      People like to breed cows, because besides their meat and skin, they also give us…..
a.    Milk                                                  c. tail
b.   Ivory                                                d. horn
3.      This dictionary cost Rp. 40.000,00 ,that dictionary cost Rp.30.000,00. It means that:
This dictionary is…….that dictionary.
a.       Cheaper than                                  c. as expensive as
b.      As cheaper as                                  d. more expensive than
4.      Edy : what do you plant garden?
Ida   : oh, it’s a kind of flower. People can make somesnack from its seeds. It’s very delicious.
Edy  : oh, I know it. It’s a ……right?
a.       Orchid                                      c. sun flower
b.      Jasmine                                     d. hibiscus
5.      A : Why were you absent yesterday?
B : I had a very bad……………….
A : I’m sorry to hear that . have you taken a aspirin.
B : Yes I have
a.       Sore throat                                c. headache
b.      Backache                                  d. toothache
6.      We ………protect our forest to avoid the extinction.
a.       Can                                           c. must
b.      Will                                           d. may
7.      I don’t want to the woodcutters to cut the trees…….for it can cause flood.
a.       Regularly                                  c. easily
b.      Responsibly                              d. wildly
8.      If you want to have traveling, don’t forget to bring your camera
a.       Taking picture                           c. drawing picture
b.      Making photographs                 d. getting films
9.      A : What do you call a person who plays in film as star?
B : ……….
a.       Director                                    c. actor
b.      Guest star                                 d. musician
10.  I want to keep healthy. I… some exercises everyday.
a.       Sometimes                                c. often
b.      Usually                                     d. always

Ability to use a variety, structure, accurately, and consistently.
The students shows enough command of vocabulary
Pronunciation and intonation are appropriate.
There will be some errors but these will no impede communication
Vocabulary is not wide or varied.
Stress and intonation are generally accurate.
Simple accuracy will often be achieved and communication will be maintained.
Vocabulary conveys simple ideas.
Some notice cable inaccuracy.
Error will tend to blur but nor obscure communication.
There will be frequent pauses.
Stress and intonation inaccuracy causes some communication difficult.
Some attempt at a response will be made during the interview.
Conversation will be very limited.
Repetition is necessary to achieve communication.
No attempt a response.
Completely limited
Inaccuracy of stress and intonation.

[1] Lim Kiat Boey. An Introduction to Linguistics for The Language Teacher. (Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1975)
[2] Peter Lucantoni, Professional Development foTeachers Teaching and Assessing Skills in English as a Second Language, (UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006)
[3] Barbara A. Fennell, A History of English (A Sociolinguistic Approach), (Australia: Blackwell Publishing, 2001)
[4] Peter Lucantoni, English as a Second Language, (New York: Cmbridge University Press,2002)37
[5] Teguh Budiharsono, Prinsip dan Strategi Pengajaran Bahasa, (Surabaya: Lutfansah Mediatama,2004)95
[6] Ibid,96 ( Sariatun , 2010, the correlation between English vocabulary mastery and student’ writing ability of the eight grade student of SMPIT Rahmatan lil’alamin seloaji babadan ponorogo in academic year 2009/2010)
[7] Jack C Ricard, et al., Methodology In Language Teaching: An Anthology Of Current Practice,(United Kingdom : Cambridge Univercity Press, 2002), 255
[8] H.R, Anthony, Mastering Basic English, (Surabaya: Study Group, 1978),5.
[9] Kasihani K.E. Suyanto,English For Young Learners(Jakarta : Bumi Aksara,2008 ),43
[10] PennyUr, A course in Langauge Teaching,(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996) 60 
[11] L.G Alexander, Fluency in English,( Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1975),xi
[12] Teguh Budiharsono, Prinsip Dan Strategi Pengajaran Bahasa,(Surabaya: Lutfansah Mediatama,2004),96
[13]  Kathleen m. Baiely” Practical English Language Teaching Speaking”(Mc Graw Hill, New York, 2005).P 2
[14] Kathleen m. Baiely” Practical English Language Teaching Speaking”(Singapore: MC Graw Hill, 2005)40
[15] Grace Stovall Burkart,,DC:Center for Applied Linguistic,1998 (online) accessed 04th December 2012 time 10.12
[16] Betsy Parrish, Teaching Adult ESL (The McGrow-Hill Companies: New York,2004)page 103-106

[17] Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, R & D(Bandung: Alfabeta,2008)14
[18] Suharsimi Arikunto, Procedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan dan Praktik (Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta, 1992),217
[19] Yatim Rianto, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan Suatu Tinjauan Dasar (Surabaya: SIC Surabaya,1996),61
[20] Retno widyaningrum, Statistik Pendidikan Variabel Bivariat(Ponorogo: State Islamic Collage Of Ponorogo Press,2007)53
[21] Ibid, 104.
[22] Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian,221.
[23] Kubabdar, Langah Mudah PTK Sebagai Pengembangan (Jakarta : Rajawali Press;2009),101

Visi Misi

A.     Visi, Misi dan Tujuan Satuan PAUD Visi Play Group   Muslimat NU 010 Al-Ishlah. -           Terbentuknya generasi Islam yang ...